Membership at Lodge #1108

Want to help on the Membership committee? 

Please contact Monica McMillan at to be part of the investigating team, orientation group, or calling prospective candidates with Elks information.

Invite a friend or family member to join: and submit an online invitation - red button in top left corner of page!

(applications available for friends and family – invite someone!)

Lodge Membership Stats

Beginning Membership 4/1/2024: 475

Membership as of 8/1/2024: 502

Average Age: 63

Life Members: 18

Candidates awaiting Orientation and Initiation:

Rich Barham

Katherine Bonenti

Sarah Cannizaro

Sean Mcweowen

Anthony Guerra

Dennis Jones

Jesse Eisner

Drea Hurley

Jeff Hurley

Sean Mceowen

Pauline Barry

Doug Gold

Leah Kavalenko

Jason Predock

Ricky Smith

Chloe Akermon

Lisa Campos

Mohammed Khalifa

Steven Mullen

Inga Aksamit